14 May 2012

On Sale

Corporate Mundo enjoy new position. Give Mundo time to get important work done… like raising Elo. Mundo bring entire department into office for Weekend of Fun: play with Mundo for hours, push Mundo’s rating through the roof. Tell assistant manager no Nocturne! MUNDO PLAY MUNDO AS JUNGLER!!!

Mundo want stock-boosting money bags – er, loyal customers – to help too. Mundo give you big discount on skins and champions. Here, Mundo explain further.
  • Sejuani employ impressive corporate raiding skills. Giant boar do wonders for bottom line. Add her to your staff for 487 RP.
  • Amumu bad for company morale. Pathetic sighs make Mundo’s forehead throb. Give him new happy home far away from Mundo for 292 RP.
  • Corki currently working as window washer in corporate headquarters. Gatling-gun sponges bad idea, breaking more windows than they clean. Find new job for him for 487 RP.
  • Silverfang Akali make corporate espionage look so good. She steal trade secrets for you at 487 RP.
  • Frostfire Annie bundled up for snow and look ready to make best of bear market! Ha-ha-ha! Get it? Why you no laugh? YOU LAUGH AT MUNDO’S PUN!!! Then buy Annie skin for 487 RP.
  • Pre-Void Kassadin lose shock and awe scare tactics, but make up for it in improved people skills. He yours for 487 RP.

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