30 April 2013

Champion and Skin sale

 Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate have lots of personal information on his resume, including "very lucky" and "can do card tricks." Mundo see slacker written all over this guy. 260 RP

Dynasty Ahri leave off crucial piece of information from resume that Mundo find on LinkedIn: previous job was scaring little children and eating souls. INSTANT HIRE. 487 RP

 Mundo Co. not have dress code, but may have to implement one after hiring French Maid Nidalee. EVERYONE WEAR MAID OUTFITS NOW. 260 RP

First resume is fishy Fizz. He has experience working with slimy bottom feeders, so he fit in good at Mundo Corp. Department of Slackers. 487 RP

Karma's resume says she lead Ionian people through tumultuous times. Mundo Corp. never go through tumultuous times because of supreme corporate leadership skills and cleaver-throwing acumen. 395 RP

Why would Malphite apply to Mundo Co.? Where he find job description that say, Mundo need Senior VP of Giant Rock Monsters? NOT AN APPROVED POSITION. 292 RP

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