05 June 2013

Flexible cost bundles available now


You might've noticed that the bundles section of the store is a little sparse. We noticed too, and are offering some new thematic deals and introducing flexible cost bundles to spruce things up!

What's a flexible cost bundle and how do they work?

Instead of one flat rate for a fixed amount of content, flexible cost bundles automatically adjust their price based on the content you already own. Now you can purchase content at lower bundled prices even if you already own some of the content offered. Bundles will have a minimum cost but pricing is otherwise flexible based on what you own.

First, we're permanently removing the Gamer's Choice bundle. We're changing the Champions Bundle and the Digital Collector's Pack to new flexible cost bundles:

Champions Bundle – 3410 RP
o   Sivir will replace Nunu

o   Huntress Sivir will now be included

o   Minimum flexible bundle price: 975 RP

Digital Collector's Pack – 2520 RP
o   Nunu will replace Sivir

o   The Riot Points and tier 3 runes have been removed. The total cost has been lowered to compensate

o   Minimum flexible bundle price: 975 RP

We're also adding the following brand new bundles for one week, until 11:59 PM on June 10:

Commando Bundle – 50% off – 2600 1300 RP (3100 RP if you need the champions)
o   Skins included:

1.      Commando Lux

2.      Commando Garen

3.      Commando Galio

4.      Commando Jarvan

5.      Commando Xin Zhao

o   Champions included:

1.      Lux

2.      Garen

3.      Galio

4.      Jarvan

5.      Xin Zhao

Grab Bag Bundle – 30% off – 36752572 RP (4490 RP if you need the champions)
o   Skins included:

1.      Deep Terror Thresh

2.      iBlitzcrank

3.      AstroNautilus

o   Champions included:

1.      Thresh

2.      Blitzcrank

3.      Nautilus

Damsels Causing Distress Bundle – 25% off – 4875 3656 RP
o   Champions included:

1.      Lissandra

2.      Syndra

3.      Diana

4.      Zyra

5.      Ahri

All Star Bundle – 50% off – 4340 2170 RP (4467 RP with champions included)
o   Skins included:

1.      Resistance Caitlyn

2.      Hillbilly Gragas

3.      Debonair Jayce

4.      Mecha Kha'Zix

5.      Wicked Lulu

o   Champions included:

1.      Caitlyn

2.      Gragas

3.      Jayce

4.      Kha'Zix

5.      Lulu

Head to the store to pick up these new bundles now.

03 May 2013

Champion and Skin sale

 Peering into the vast, formless ether, we sense the great unrest and feel the swirl of uncertainty in the fabric of reality. We are Shadow Prince Malzahar, and time is short.  260 RP 

Oblivion awaits, mortals. In one vision, Infernal Alistar burns with the fury of the forsaken. His shackles broken and his rage unfettered, the mighty steer snorts warnings that evaporate like the steam from his maw. But you would do well to heed them. 487 RP

 Beyond the doors of perception, a pearlescent reptile glares fiery daggers into the starless night. In my vision, Galactic Renekton cleaves countless foes in a panorama of violence. His guttural utterances echo in the darkness, his power unbound. 260 RP

A storm surges. My vision clouds before erupting in an explosion of electric majesty. The portents herald the coming of Xerath. Crackling with the limitless ferocity of lightning, the ascended mage cackles stern admonitions. But we are timeless, and we demand sacrifice. 487 RP

The fallen Morgana whispers to us, hinting at secrets and the end of this vision. A breathy rasp hisses a plea against witnessing the end. But of whom, she remains silent. Wait! At the edge of my sight, an amorphous haze. The vision is ending. 292 RP

A piercing cry tears us from the void; the sound of a thousand screeching crows fills the air above the field. It can only be Fiddlesticks. Stricken by unnatural fear, we will not tarry—though we know not where we flee. We cannot see him, only feel his presence. Where could… oh. 292 RP

30 April 2013

Pro Players Week 3

Top Solo Queue Players
"Nom Nom Lemon" Challenger 925 Points
"kT Turtle" Challenger 777 Points
"Nikkone" Challenger 747 Points
Top 5v5 Teams :
"No Team Name Necessary" Challenger 191 Points 
"Armata Gaming" Challenger 90 Points 
"Flight Gamimg" Challenger 0 Points 
Top 3v3 Teams :
"The Forsaken Pariah" Challenger 102 Points
"BigLuv" Challenger 92 Points 
"RIP Ebonmaw" Challenger 63 Points

New free champion rotation and sale!

Check out this week’s free to play champions! 

Forces are gathering for the looming conflict in the frigid Freljord. These champions, along with one skin each, will also be on sale for 20% off for one week:


 Anivia 632 RP
Hextech Anivia 600 RP


 Ashe 208 RP
Freljord Ashe 416 RP


 Gragas 632 RP
Gragas, Esq. 780 RP


 Janna 468 RP
Frost Queen Janna 780 RP

 Nunu 208 RP
Demolisher Nunu 780 RP


 Olaf 632 RP
Glacial Olaf 416 RP

 Tryndamere 468 RP
King Tryndamere 416 RP

 Udyr 468 RP
Primal Udyr 780 RP


 Quinn and Valor 780 RP
Phoenix Quinn 780 RP

Volibear 780 RP
Northern Storm Volibear 600 RP

Champion and Skin sale

 Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate have lots of personal information on his resume, including "very lucky" and "can do card tricks." Mundo see slacker written all over this guy. 260 RP

Dynasty Ahri leave off crucial piece of information from resume that Mundo find on LinkedIn: previous job was scaring little children and eating souls. INSTANT HIRE. 487 RP

 Mundo Co. not have dress code, but may have to implement one after hiring French Maid Nidalee. EVERYONE WEAR MAID OUTFITS NOW. 260 RP

First resume is fishy Fizz. He has experience working with slimy bottom feeders, so he fit in good at Mundo Corp. Department of Slackers. 487 RP

Karma's resume says she lead Ionian people through tumultuous times. Mundo Corp. never go through tumultuous times because of supreme corporate leadership skills and cleaver-throwing acumen. 395 RP

Why would Malphite apply to Mundo Co.? Where he find job description that say, Mundo need Senior VP of Giant Rock Monsters? NOT AN APPROVED POSITION. 292 RP

27 April 2013

Champion and Skin sale

This sand is always getting in my bombs – the desert is no fun at all! I'm Shurima Desert Zilean, and I spend my free time elsewhere… in time. It's always good to reach into the past and futures of my foes to find their weakness. Embarrassing stories from their youth are a nice touch. 487 RP

Fiddle Me Timbers has been feared across the seven seas for ages. Apparently this plank walks you. I can't help myself. Don't worry, if you didn't catch the joke I can rewind it for you. 375 RP

I spotted Earthrune Skarner looking rather silly as an elderly scorpion. Oh well, I suppose everybody goes through their fashion phases; even I had my groovy turns back in the day. 260 RP

Ziggs is quite the character. Of course, he's playing with firecrackers in his youth. All's well that ends well, I suppose. 487 RP

Even as a child Leona was a stoic defender. Whenever smaller children were being picked on, she'd take the bully to task. She's been bonking foes in the head with her shield for years. 440 RP

When I went to check on how Wukong was as a whippersnapper, I went a bit too far back in time and caught him as a wee babe. I didn't learn anything about the Wuju adept besides that he was the cutest baby Runeterra had ever seen. 440 RP

You can't time travel like me, but you can nab these skins and champs on sale from April 26 to April 29.