30 April 2012

On Sale Champions

  • Cassiopeia, The Serpent’s Embrace: This dusky beauty displays a most appealing devotion to all things serpentine. Normally, she would cost a daunting 975 RP, but I might be persuaded to part with her for a mere 487 RPs.
  • Zilean, The Chronokeeper: I confess I never enjoyed this gentleman’s company. Too fixated on that infernal clock. 585 RP is the asking price, but I’m happy to send him to you for a mere 292 RP.
  • Urgot, The Headsman’s Pride: Urgot proved a most delightful companion. Our evening games of whist proved quite memorable, particularly when he lost and reduced the cabana boy to toxic sludge. You too can share in his whimsical eccentricities for only 487 RP, less than half his base price of 975 RP.

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